August 2023

August 2023
Youth of the Month 
Zalyiz has always been a lot taller and more mature in his appearance than his classmates. He is also extremely athletic and can excel at any sport he attempts. That being said, he’s good and he knows that he’s good. We have seen a completely different side of Zalyiz this past year. He been more of a team player, to the point that he is actually teaming up with other members and teaching them how to play. His focus has changed from winning at all cost, to having fun and bringing others up to his level. Zalyiz joined our Club volleyball team this year and, of course, excelled. Mrs. Cheryl coached a summer team at South High School and the boys’ volleyball coach is working on getting him to go out for their team! It’s hard for to put into words the turnaround we’ve seen in him. He no longer gets angry at games, he’s smiling! He no longer has to prove that he’s the best, he’s encouraging others to be better also! Zalyiz has done a lot of amazing things this past year!

Zalyiz has become a leader in the sense that he now understands that, regardless if he wants to be or is trying to be, others are looking up to him. He recently started attending our high school club, The Loft, and loves it! Zalyiz was one of only three members from Avondale to complete the requirements for our Peer Leader program. I can’t wait to see how Zalyiz continues to grow in a leader at our Clubhouse!

Zalyiz stated that the Club gives him a place where he can himself and have fun.
Avondale Clubhouse
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