JR YOM September 2023

September 2023
Jr. Youth of the Month 
Autumn is such a joy to be around and all the staff here at the Sprague Clubhouse look forward to seeing her everyday. She will come in, automatically go to the kitchen for middle school membership, and then she will check the daily schedule to see what is planned for the day. From there, she chooses what activities she is going to do, find her friends and then be on her way. The one thing that staff love about Autumn is that she will try everything at least once. It’s because of this mentality, Autumn has graduated from so many programs throughout her four years including 3 R’s, Cooking Matters, Healthy Habits, Positive Action, Girls on the Run, Girls Rock and so many others. The biggest difference between four years ago and now is that, back then she was super shy and today she is super outgoing and full of energy.  

Autumn shows good character by constantly staying out of trouble, avoiding peer group drama and taking accountability for when she does something wrong. For example, there have been times where staff have needed to approach her regarding a situation and every time she would own up to it, share what happened and why she did it. As for leadership, Autumn was voted as Team Captain for the Girls Rock team last spring. During the summer, she was one of the few middle school members who actually read during our reading program.

Autumn stated " The Club has made my life better because it helped me make better decisions as I got older."
Sprague Clubhouse
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