Copy of JR YOM July 2023

July 2023
Jr. Youth of the Month 
Dominic maintains a great attitude and is well-behaved. His time at the Club has been enriching, offering him numerous opportunities to explore different career fields and participate in diverse programs. From STEM mentoring to financial education, he has embraced each experience with enthusiasm. Dominic's exemplary character is evident in his adherence to rules, honesty, and strong sense of right and wrong. His caring personality shines through as he encourages others to try new things and actively engages in community service.

As Dominic dreams of making the world a better place by helping others, the Club continues to play a significant role in enhancing his life. With a variety of activities and respectful staff, the club has created a nurturing environment for Dominic to learn and grow. Through his positive contributions and meaningful connections, Dominic's impact on the Club and the community is truly commendable.
Sprague Clubhouse
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